Church Life

We often hear from folks in the community that there is always something cookin’ here on the church campus.  Nearly every month and depending on the season there is a community dinner gathering, barbeque or special event.  Folks from surrounding towns and across Rockland County might find themselves here for our Blueberry Festival in March, a Spring Concert, our Apple Festival in October, a play from our Tappan Players in October and enjoying a Christmas concert in December.

In addition to our church sponsored monthly events, community organizations gather to hear speakers or community concerts done with our arts partners – Tappan Library and the Tappan Town Historical Society.


LENTEN BIBLE STUDY & LIGHT MEAL – 7:00PM in our Parlor at the Church

  • Wednesday, March 13th , 2019
  • Wednesday, March 27th, 2019
  • Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

PALM SUNDAY CONCERT – Sunday, April 14th at 4:00PM in our beautiful Sanctuary

A concert exploring the journey of Faith through various musical styles.

Featuring:   riverrun Jeremy Wall – Grammy nominated Pianist & Composer                                                    John Ragusa – Flutist & Stacey Bone-Gleason – Vocal Soloist

A light reception will follow the performance.

GOOD FRIDAY – April 19th, 2019

5:00PM viewing of the Passion of the Christ followed by a 7:00PM service

EASTER SUNDAY – April 21st, 2019

Sunrise Service on the Manse Lawn

10:00AM Celebration of the Resurrection Service – Sanctuary


Dates and times for all these events and gatherings are on our community calendar, which you can subscribe to, via Google. Follow us at tappanreformedchurch on Facebook and Instagram.